Florian Slotawa

Customized Logistics

Customized Logistics

MARCH 20 – JUNE 13, 2020

von Bartha, Basel

Von Bartha is pleased to present conceptual artist Florian Slotawa’s third solo exhibition at the gallery, Customized Logistics, from 21 March to 13 June 2020. The exhibition considers a subject that has occupied the artist since his student days: the use and consumption of materials by artists. Slotawa has been working with readymade objects as a sculptural material throughout his career. Initially, he used his own belongings, which he removed from their domestic environment and placed in the gallery space, only to return them to everyday use. Later, found objects were added to this process.

Customized Logistics centres around the artist‘s recent relocation from Berlin to South Tyrol in Northern Italy with his family. Driven by the attraction of unresolved situations and the search for a decision, and taking objects from his daily life as a starting point, Slotawa dedicates himself to the artistic examination of his current life situation and views the move as a caesura in his practice.

Von Bartha celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020 and Customized Logistics thematically incorporates the gallery’s history by placing Slotawa’s works alongside selected sculptures by artists from the gallery’s archives including Etienne Beothy, Marianne Eigenheer, Enio Iommi, Bernhard Luginbühl, and Beat Zoderer. These sculptures enter into a temporary symbiosis with the complete inventory of Slotawa’s studio, as well as pedestals designed by the artist, displayed across the full gallery space. Solo works by Slotawa and a large-scale installation are also on view. The installation brings together objects from his studio in Berlin that are destined for South Tyrol after the exhibition, forming part of the artist’s relocation process.

The show will be open again with regular opening hours from May 12 until June 13, 2020, adhering to the safety regulations outlined by the Swiss government.

Florian Slotawa
Lager, 2020
Various objects
310 x 560 x 240 cm

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