Conversation From the Gas Station

With artist Landon Metz and our colleague Caroline Baumhauer on the vast potential of our morning coffee routine

With artist Landon Metz and our colleague Caroline Baumhauer on the vast potential of our morning coffee routine

Landon Metz and our colleague Caroline Baumhauer sat down for a conversation by the gas station in our gallery in Basel! Watch and listen to what they had to say about Metz’s vast practice, his hometown New York City, the potential benefits of a morning coffee routine, and gain insights into the works featured in I Cut The Hairs On My Head Yesterday But…

Sidestepping his usual painting practice, Metz offers a very intimate presentation and a new experience to explore the subtle performative gestures underlying his work. What is necessary in order to be able to work creatively? Which daily routines lead us to our actual goal? 

Getting a deep dive into Landon’s everyday life in New York City, this conversation opens up on the artist’s practice, which is deeply influenced by his surrounding environment and the little big moments of everyday life.

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